Tuesday 15 November 2011

The Founding Of Rome

Describe the two legends that have to do with the founding of Rome. Then describe how and when Rome was actually founded. 

Romulus and Remus:
Two brothers were abandoned by the King, they were  placed in a basket and sent down the river to be discovered by a shepherded and his wife. The shepherded soon told the twins of their orgins so the brothers set out during 753 B.C.E to build a city. The two did well together until they began fighting. In the end Romulus attacked Remus and killed him. 

The legend of Aeneas was is a much older tale, that was more popular around the time of Ancient Rome, as Romulus and Remus is more popular today. Aeneas was said to be a Hero who was the son of Venus. During this time Aeneas was fighting in the Trojan war, he escaped to Rome where he married the kings daughter, and expanded and built the empire Rome.  

True Story of the Founding of Rome: 
 At around 1000 B.C.E the Latins began settling in the area where Rome was yet to be. They didn't start building their great civilization right away though, it was merly a settlement where pigs and cows were hearded, just a simple area of settlement. Soon different tribes began invading after all the area was a perfect place it way a few miles from the sea as well as in the central area of the Italian peninsula meaning there was great trade routes, it was guarded by the Alps and sea giving little room for invasion you could say...the location was perfect. So they joined together and began defending themselves against invaders and soon a simple place for livestock, and herding was turned into the great city of Rome!!

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