Monday 22 November 2010

Who were the hobbits?

The hobbits were a small group of people roughly the height of a 4 year old. The exact date of when they roamed Earth is undecided, research however shows that they were alive 38,000 - 18,000 or as young as 12,000 years ago.
The hobbits had a small brain no larger than a chimps, about the size of an orange. Scientists originally thought that the small body size was a result of microcephaly, however now scientists think that they were involved in island dwarfing. Further analysis of the few hobbit skelletons that have been found show that the hobbits may be decendants from homo erectus. By studying a hobbits skelliton researchers concluded that hobbits had no chin, writs similar to a chimps, and shrugged shoulder bones. Also though the hobbits are built similarly to Lucy they used stone tools which Lucy did not.
Some scientists however say that too few hobbit skellitions have been found to draw conclutions about the entire hobbit population.

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