Thursday 18 November 2010

Tool Making and Language: Why were tool-making and language important for the development of human culture?

Language: Humans always have and always will have some way of communication however the development of language was a unique and incredibly affective part of the development of human culture. Because by developing language it made sharing ideas, feelings, hopes, dreams, discussing the past, present, and future. So as you can see language helped early hominids discuss ideas about helping with the development of human culture.

Tools: Tools were definitely a key element in early hominids lifestyles. This was probably because of all the important tasks that told helped complete such as, getting food, defending one's self, shelter, and clothing.
Throughout history different hominids tools became more developed. For example if you look at homo habalis, homo erectus, and lastly homo sapiens. Homo habails "Handy man," worked with the same simple tools but they had a variety of purposes. Then stone tools got more complex, Homo erectus started making more than just one type of tool they had, sharp stone tools, hand axes, digging tools, scraping tools, and piercing tools. Then lastly we have Homo sapiens who started using advanced and specialized tools. So that was how stone tools developed however the more developed the tools became the more convenient the became as well, so after hominids started making different tools life became easier. Hominids had a varied diet (started gathering vegetables, fruits, nuts,) they had better defense and protection, the clothing and shelter was better, they started being more creative with art (jewelry ornaments, sculpting.) So overall the development of stone tools made life a lot easier.

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