Tuesday 7 June 2011

End of Year Reflection -> Traveling Time Machine

My time machine:

Prehistoric Kenya:
I've now landed in Kenya. The sun is high in the sky sending heat waves across the vast savanna. Wait! i hear a river, and i approach the river i realize that I'm not the only one being drawn towards it, a group of strange looking people (at least i think they're people)
are looking at me. They are wearing cloths made from animal fur and skins with no shoes. They are all woman and children each holding baskets woven from weeds filled with small berries. Just behind them and the waters edge there a rocks that have been chipped away but not my erosion. There are also strange homes (or are they tents)? I tried speaking to them but they don't really seem to understand. Then i remembered where i had been sent in the time machine I'm in prehistoric Kenya! Of course they don;t look, talk, or live like i do today this is thousands and thousands of years ago! Just then i hear calls like shouting, though the shouting was happy. I looked and approaching us was a small group of about eight men carrying a zebra carcas. After about 30 minutes of explaining what I am i was finally sitting in a tree talking to some of the children appearing to bemy age, though they didn't seem like my friends. Just then they all got up and started to head towards a fire that was being started i looked at my watch 7:00 the time read it had been an hour now i had to go back to my time machine. I thought for a moment and then typed in 'ancient Sumeria.

Ancient Sumeria:
I landed. I looked around, I had landed in some sort of neolithic town. There was farmers working the land, using irrigation systems that had been built along the Tigris and Euphrates river to water their crops, after all they were on the brink of civilization. It was amazing, i have never been able to imagine what the world would have looked like before civilizations, and now i know. But i still am glad that we eventually built great civilizations. Just then i got a marvelous idea; travel forward in time (several years) to when the civilizations began to develop. The change was miraculous! The cities now had; specialization of labor, social classes, trade near and far, leadership and planning, highly developed culture, writing system, and stable food supply. Yes, i do remember my teacher mentioning something about those being the factors of a civilization. I also remember that the fertile crescent was where civilizations and advanced agriculture began!

Ancient Egypt:
I've finally reached Egypt! As im looking around i spot a large cat missing its nose. I remembered my history teacher mensioning something about it, i pulled my guid book out of my back pocket scanning through it i found what i was looking for, i was staring at the famous Sphinx. It been 20 minutes and now im high up (and slightly uncomfortable) riding on camel gazing at the great and mystifying pyramids. I went in some of the pyramids and tried to picture how not all grave robbers got lost in these mazes of dark and dingy passages. Egypt was definitely my favorite place to go. And the ancient Egyptians, it was amazing! i was just about to start watching some of them moving the massive limestone onto what looked like a beginning pyramid when I checked my watch; i had five minutes to get back to my time capsule before i was stuck in Egypt forever! Though that didn't sound to bad i still had some other places i wanted to check out.

Ancient India: I gazed up at a beautiful but not completely finished symmetrical building. Yes, you guessed right, i landed right in front of the Taj Mahal. Of course seeing as they are still building it i wasn't allowed inside. But believe me i tried going in. Instead i went somewhere else, i rode along the Indus river, gazed up at the Himalayan mountains and met Buddha! Sure you may say, that its impossible in just an hour! But remember i had a time machine so i just kept on going back to India in other words reversing time, so that i could do everything i wanted! But i eventually did all i wanted to do, so i got back in the time machine and zipped off to the best place of all.

2008, archaeological dig at Stonehenge: Whoa! Now that's something you don't see everyday! I gazed up at the 25 ft long, 20-30 ton stones of the great mysterious Stonehenge. i didn't find out much from the archaeologists, they didn't like being interupted by i was given a sketch on what Stonehenges layout was;
I also discovered that the stones were carried several miles, they were not just found in the area. And the builders of Stonehenge had no electrical Means of transporting the bluestones. Though they aren't sure why Stonehenge was built or even when it was built they still have several theories. All of which (in my mind) fit pretty well. Ugh! place of sacrifice, though it works i don't think that i want to be sacrificed. Well there goes my plan of going back in time to when they were supposedly building Stonehenge.

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