Thursday 10 February 2011

Mesopotamia, The Fertile Cresent (Unit Reflection)

a) The domestication of plants and animals
By domesticating plants and animals humans have asspired new skills, and expanded their capabilities. I think that by domesticating plants anceient humans had more free time, giving them the option of exploring/trying out different skills, or crafts. By doing so hunting and farming were no longer the only aspects of survival. Seeing as ancient humans now had time and had found a way to make crafts, they had given themselves a reason trade. Also by domesticating animals the physical labor involved in their lifestyles decreased because animals could carry heavy objects for ancient humans. b) The transition from hunter-gatherer communities to the first civilizations
By transitioning from hunter-gatherer communities to the first civilizations was a large change. To me, I think that this began when gatherers made the transition to farmers which lead to trade (see a) also by developing trade people began making relationships, building walls to defend themselves (also built enemies,) and all in all building a civilization.
c) Early religion and beliefs: Early Religious beliefs were very important to ancient people of early civilizations. They were believed to control everything, there was also many gods. Nearly every area was said to have had their own supreme god, that was the all powerful. Due to such devotion to their religion priests were rulers in a sense only after kings did they lose some of their power.
2. Imagine someone saying to you, "Learning about the Sumerians isn't very important since they're long gone!" What would you tell them in order to change their mind?
Though the Sumerians are "long gone" they were probably some of the most important inventors ever. The Sumerians were thought to have invented the wheel, a writing system for record keeping, they are responsible for many of today's modern sciences.

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