Saturday 15 January 2011

From earliest times, people have changed their environments. How have people today changed their environment? Discuss both the good and the ba

Over a period of thousands of years we as humans have changed our environment drastically. There are several different ways that early humans effected their environment. First of all you don't really think about it but humans lives revolved on the game they hunted and the things that they gathered in order to stay alive. By doing so they were hunting and killing animals. Which was working for them then, but today we have many endangered and extinct animals. Could this have been what lead up to the endangered, and extinct animals? Is this how poaching started? Thinking of this also lead me to wonder if one of the causes of poaching was trade.

Hunters and gathers eventually turned into farmers which lead to specialization of labor. Due to farming early humans diet was beginning to be a lot more stable, therefore we were healthier. Which lead to the ability to have more children. Farming was also giving us a surplus of food. However, today about every second 5 people are born! The fact that every 3 seconds our population goes up by 9 people (2 die every second 5 are born) this has lead to a surplus population rather than a surplus of food, this is the opposite of how our early ancestors lived.

Today we are dealing with many environmental issues such as; deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, surplus population, not enough food to feed all of us, all of this is adding up into global warming. What had Earth become, a planet that is having its recourse's natural and man made used up in a heart beat by today's humans. This is all due to the development of our civilization, over the years people have proposed changes that we could make in our life styles however not many have acted upon them. This is why some people are saying that it would have been better if we had stayed as hunters and gatherers. I however disagree, I think that if everyone made an effort to recycle, expose the air and water from less toxins then we could help slow down global warming.

1 comment:

  1. You had summarized your ideas learned in the chapters very well, however I didn't find this connected with the topic too much. What you can edit is, more of present and past comparison. Other wise, I believe that this work can be great in other topics.

