Thursday, 22 March 2012

Angela Dorothea Merkel is the first female chanclellor of Germany. She studied in physical chemistry but that is not the career she chose to follow. She entered politics during the revolution of 1989 where she was briefely surving as the deputy spokesperson for Lothar De Maiziere. Later on in 1990 she was elected to represent the state of Mecklengbur-Borpommern. Over several years she as served as a Federal minister for Women and youth, as a federal minister for the enviromment, the Nature conservation and nuclear safety. She was also the secretary of the CDU , was elected at a chairperson in 2000. Angela Dorthea is a great role model from women and she has certainly proved that women can do just as well in politics as men. 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Byzantine Art: Mosaic

For my mosaic I made a white dove. The white dove often carrying an olive branch is a very famous symobol still today in the Christian Church. The white dove is used as a peace symbol in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
The dove was used in a Christian story about a great flood over the entire world, in which Noah had to build a huge ark and bring with him a male and female of every kind of animal and wait for a sign of the flood to be over. Each day Noah sends out a white dove to search for land and one day it comes back carrying an olive branch (also another peace symbol.) This dove bringing back the olive branch not only showed that the world was free of the flood but it was ready to welcome back man kind.
Building a huge mosaic in a church 1500 years ago is something I can hardley imagine. Building something that in centuries to come people would look at, admire, and interprit (if the mosaic survived). I think it would also be a very spiritual feeling being the creater of something so holy on such hold ground. Also having such skill as to build a giant mosaic without the electrical and bennificial equitment we have today would take such skill, presition and time. I think its a mirical that the Higha Sofia was only built in only 5 years 10 moths and 4 days.